The Man

An introduction to Mr. Lalit Kumar Jain is like showing a lamp to the Sun .The name 'Kumar Urban Development Ltd. (KUL)' of which Mr. Lalit Kumar Jain is the Chairman & Managing Director is a name synonymous with the builders of Pune. It’s like a brand name in Pune.

Mr. Lalit Kumar Jain nicknamed as the “Green man of Pune” for his eco-friendly nature. He took active part in organizing the developer community. In fact, he was the youngest Secretary and President of the Promoters Builders Association of Poona (PBAP). He played a stellar role in creating and developing the Federation of Promoters Builders Associations of Maharashtra.

Lalit Kumar joined his father Late Shri Kesarimalji Kamdar‘s business Kumar & Co. and mastered legal knowledge and the government policies. With his Company Motto - “We Build Trust” - he practices what he preaches. Small wonder his business grew manifold and Kumar Builders quickly became synonymous with quality real estate of Pune. In 1999, his family saw partition and Lalit Kumar started with development of 35,000 sq ft and within five years he delivered 1.4 million sq ft.

He has carved a niche for himself in Pune construction with more than 100 projects and 14,000 tenements, setting a new benchmark in trustworthiness. Apart from residential complexes, he developed IT Buildings, Retail Malls, IT Park and gated communities.

He has uncommon thinking power & skill to build the trust in the people. In this crowd of business, he has preserved his great hobby of painting.


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