Pune bids farewell to Neelkanth KalyaniA large number of Bharat Forge employees and personalities from many fields gathered at Parvati Nivas in Kalyaninagar to pay their last respects to the late industrialist Neelkanth Kalyani on Sunday. The last rites were performed in Keshavnagar. Kalyani passed away on Saturday due to old age ailments and his body was kept at his residence for people to pay their last respects. Among the eminent personalities who turned up to pay their last respects were chief minister Prithviraj Chavan, noted scientist Raghunath Mashelkar, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader. Gopinath Munde, educationalist SB Mujumdar, industrialist Arun Firodia, former Indian cricket team captain Chandu Borde and Lalit Kumar Jain of Kumar Builders. The mood at Parvati Nivas was subdued and solemn. All the Kalyani family members including Kalyani's sons Babasaheb and Gowrishankar were present. After the crowd paid their last respects, the body of Neelkanth Kalyani was taken to Keshavnagar in an ambulance, where only family members and some employees of Bharat Forge were present for the last rites. A condolence meeting to mourn the demise of the industrialist will be held on Monday from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Kalyani residence. |